Parents Area

Happy Hall Nursery Walsall

Parents Area

Happy Hall Nursery Walsall

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Our Nursery environment enables each and every child to follow their interests and to become independent learners. Within our nursery children learn through their play and encounter new experiences. Although we have aspects of planned curriculum our children’s interests are the foundation of our learning.

As a nursery we celebrate all festivals and events, and we also participate in fund raising for charity!

Forrest School Friday

Nursery Walsall

We are extremely fortunate that we we have woodland surroundings, every Friday our children participate in Forrest School. Forrest school promotes all aspects of children’s development and even adds benefits that learning inside nursery does not offer. It allows children to enjoy the fresh air, explore the natural world around them, and be physically active. Forrest school encourages curiosity and exploration of senses.

Please supply your child with weather suitable clothing, and don’t forget Welly Boots!

Home Learning

Home learning gives you the opportunity to further and continue your child’s development whilst at home. Please complete our weekly homework tasks sent home on Friday and return to nursery on Wednesday

Reading Books

Every Friday reading books will be sent home with a reading journal to be returned to nursery on Wednesday.


Every child at nursery will have a seesaw account which you can access and view pictures and videos of what they have been up to during the day at Nursery. Look our for your child's individual QR code to access their journal.


Application Form Download

Child Entry Form